Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Brusk Family!

We celebrated sweet Ella turning ONE this past weekend with a fun photo session! I can't believe she is a year old already! It's always fun getting together with this sweet family!

Enjoy my favorites from our session!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Herbert Family!

I've know this family for many years, and it's such a joy walking through life with such kind and wonderful people! Thank you for letting me capture your beautiful family! By the way, you'd NEVER know that it was the hottest and most humid day! They were troopers!!

Enjoy my favorites from our session!




Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dave And Maureen Are Married!!

My dear friend, Maureen, married the love of her life last month, and I got to capture it! I hope you feel the love of this wonderful and marvelous day shine through the beautiful moments below.

Congratulations, dear friend....