Friday, October 14, 2016

Emersyn Grace Miller!

I've followed this new Mom and Dad's love story since the beginning, and sweet Emersyn is one of the most beautiful and exciting chapters yet! I got to spend a couple of hours capturing the love Randy and Megan have for their brand new Emmy Grace earlier this week, and it was quite the sight to behold! I loved watching the way Randy and Megan love their sweet girl and the new way they love each other! Even just five days in, their teamwork was like a well-coordinated dance.

Randy and Megan, you were born for this. Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! Enjoy all the restlessness, all the spit up, all the snuggles, all the laundry, all the dirty bottles, all the diapers, and all the beautiful things that comes with parenting.

She is one blessed baby. :)

Enjoy my favorites from our session!

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